by | Dec 7, 2011 | Blog | 7 comments

It’s been a while since my last post, due to my failure to get into LFW through Fashion East & Vauxhall Fashion Scout. I had a pretty tough week or two with some real thinking, but I’m back now and determined as ever, this is just the beginning! Details what’s to come and possible alternative routes into the London fashion scene.


  1. I think you are fantastic, i was looking at some of your collection pictures and men they are just amazing, i just wish i knew how to build some like that just impressive.
    congrats great great job, totally in love.
    good luck and hope to keep on watching you.

  2. You have amazing talent and skill. I love what you’re doing.

  3. so excited for the pattern website. And your ‘chin up’ attitude is really inspiring – I think your whole approach is entirely unique and that is something very special, so perhaps the legwork in getting the foot in the door is a little different and therefore perhaps more difficult as there is no protocol type thing to follow, but will be worth it in the end.

    Had you ever considered getting a PR intern? Or Publicity stunts or getting in via a slightly unorthodox route – creating a portfolio/brochure type thing to send to people who might wear your stuff and getting your name out that way?

    Might sound completely daft (and forgive the trashy reference, oh dear) but in GOssip Girl there is a bit where an aspiring designer puts on an impromptu fashion show at a swanky event. It’s probably illegal, so that exact thing wouldn’t work but that type of off the wall stuff can sometimes work because it naturally stands out. However its a risk.

    I’M talking shit but no use being shy! Best of luck, you deserve to do well x

  4. will your pattern-cutting site be similiar to leko-mail.net? they are a russian company. you could distinguish yours by doing custom work and CADDing up sketches people send you. THis video is one of my favorites, it is so positive and shows how quickly you’ve learned and grown in the business just by paying attention to the many avenues available

  5. will your pattern-cutting site be similiar to leko-mail.net? they are a russian company. you could distinguish yours by doing custom work and CADDing up sketches people send you.

  6. As you’ve said ,most of designers start very slowly to get there,even theyr talent was enourmous they had to enhance theyr skills and knowledge ..j.p.g sent his work to various companies before he got as assistant,j. g. almost vent buncrupt on beggining of his busines in London.media making that picture how designers make it big and its fantastic job altrough is such hard job no one can imagine….i also think that marcet in uk wants ‘big names’ instead of real talent and creativity,and untill you dont have reference working for some Brand,nobody will givafuck.of course for free,everybody will like it,but they wont reveal talent and take risc.it might be good take a free job for few weeks ,somebody who will give u such a big promo…..i know how u feel,i am on course ,on middle of my road but still unshure if its even for me.(i am more confident with drawings:-) and if i’ll make it i’ll have it also difficult maybe ,as i will be more artistic than commercial.

  7. OMG!!!!! i am soooo happy for that and i cant wait for the Pattern website you can be sure that i will be definetly your first costumer HAHAH:)

    i am really looking forward as i sad you are really inspirating me for doing my stuff i am a really lazy person but with each tutourial and each video i got motivated:)

    will send you then the pics fromm my collection:)

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