Thank you for your contribution! Here’s your free pattern (originally worth £9.99)


SIZE: XS – L / UK 4-18 / US 0 -14 / EUR 32-46

This beautiful Japanese-inspired garment is ideal for use on the beach, as a suggestive bedroom gown, or as a complement to your evening outfit.  If you’re going for a more glamorous look, then why not use a chiffon body with cotton cuffs in complementary colours? You can even tailor the garment to create a shrug – perfect to keep you warm during those chilled out summer nights – by using cotton or wool! The Amayodrape will be more than ideal to add a touch of class and prestige to any outfit.

Saved as a full-scale multipage PDF sewing pattern in both US letter size, A4, A3, A2, A1 and A0.